Show details of a number

Show the details of a number already allocated to your account.


Endpoint: /api/number/{number_uuid}
Example: /api/number/7c327e0f-6bce-4b2f-9d5d-9c86e7fa065f
Method: GET
Headers: Accept: application/vnd.cloudlx.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>



        "uuid": "7c327e0f-6bce-4b2f-9d5d-9c86e7fa065f",
        "number_e164": "+441245123456",
        "number": "123456",
        "range_code": "1245",
        "range_name": "Chelmsford",
        "country_code": "44",
        "country_name": "United Kingdom",
        "country_iso": "UK",
        "monthly_charge": 0.3,
        "setup_charge": 0,
        "status": "Reserved",
        "details" : {
            "status": "Reserved",
            "provisioned": "2018-11-12 14:21:48",
            "cancelled": "",
            "number_address": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Main office",
                "useForProofOfAddress": true,
                "useForEmergencyAddress": false,
                "addressLine1":  "7800 Alexander Road",
                "addressLine2":  "",
                "addressCity": "London",
                "addressRegion": "London",
                "addressPostalCode": "NW2 1AA",
                "addressCountry": {
                    "name": "United Kingdom",
                    "iso": "GB"
            "emergency_number_address": {
                "id": 2,
                "name": "Other Main office",
                "useForProofOfAddress": false,
                "useForEmergencyAddress": true,
                "addressLine1": "7801 Alexander Road",
                "addressLine2": "",
                "addressCity": "London",
                "addressRegion": "London",
                "addressPostalCode": "NW2 1AA",
                "addressCountry": {
                    "name": "United Kingdom",
                    "iso": "GB"
        "provisioned": "2016-01-03 17:48:59" 
uuid Description The uuid for the number, used to perform actions on the number
Type String
Example 7c327e0f-6bce-4b2f-9d5d-9c86e7fa065f
number_e164 Description The E.164 representation of the number
Type String
Example +441245123456
number Description The local number
Type String
Example 123456
range_code Description The range code for the number
Type String
Example 1245
range_name Description The range name, such as number type or area code
Type String
Example Chelmsford
country_code Description The country dialling code for the number
Type String
Example 44
country_name Description The country name for the number
Type String
Example United Kingdom
country_iso Description The ISO code for the country
Type String
Example UK
monthly_charge Description The monthly cost for the number
Type String
Example 0.3
setup_charge Description The once off setup cost for the number
Type String
Example 0
status Description The status of the number
Type String
Example Reserved
number_address Description The address associated with the telephone number (possible for proof of address). This property will be null if no address is associated.
Type Object
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Main office",
    "useForProofOfAddress": true,
    "useForEmergencyAddress": false,
    "addressLine1": "7800 Alexander Road",
    "addressLine2": "",
    "addressCity": "London",
    "addressRegion": "London",
    "addressPostalCode": "NW2 1AA",
    "addressCountry": {
        "name": "United Kingdom",
        "iso": "GB"
emergency_number_address Description The address registered with the emergency services for this telephone number. This property will be null if no address is associated.
Type Object
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Other Main office",
    "useForProofOfAddress": false,
    "useForEmergencyAddress": true,
    "addressLine1": "7801 Alexander Road",
    "addressLine2": "",
    "addressCity": "London",
    "addressRegion": "London",
    "addressPostalCode": "NW2 1AA",
    "addressCountry": {
        "name": "United Kingdom",
        "iso": "GB"
provisioned Description The timestamp the number was provisioned to your account
Type Timestamp
Example 2016-01-03 17:48:59

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