Number Restrictions

Shows Number Restrictions for a given Country and Number Service Type.


Endpoint: /api/number-restrictions
Method: GET
Headers: Accept: application/vnd.cloudlx.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Required GET request parameters

country_iso Description The ISO code for the country. country_iso provided in the Countries Locality API
Type String
Example GB
number_service_type_code Description The code representing the Number Service Type. Permitted values: GEOGRAPHIC, TOLL FREE, PREMIUM, MOBILE, NATIONAL
Type String



        "number_restrictions": {
            "country": {
                "name": "United Kingdom",
                "iso": "GB"
            "number_service_type": {
                "id": 1,
                "name": "Geographic",
                "code": "GEOGRAPHIC"
            "restrictions": [
                "Business use: address details \n",
                "Business use required",
                "Porting Available"
restrictions Description An array of strings with number restrictions. An empty array means there are no restrictions.
Type Array[String]
Example [ "Business use: address details \n", "Business use required", "Porting Available" ]