Number Addresses

Shows a list of the Number Addresses on your account


Endpoint: /api/number-addresses
Example: /api/number-addresses
Method: GET
Headers: Accept: application/vnd.cloudlx.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>



            "id": 1,
            "name": "London Office",
            "useForProofOfAddress": true,
            "useForEmergencyAddress": false,
            "addressLine1": "101 Old Street",
            "addressLine2": "",
            "addressCity": "London",
            "addressRegion": "London",
            "addressPostalCode": "E10 1AA",
            "addressCountry": {
                "name": "United Kingdom",
                "iso": "GB"
            "id": 2,
            "name": "LA Office",
            "addressLine1": "1001 New Street",
            "addressLine2": "Silicon Road",
            "addressCity": "Los Angeles",
            "addressRegion": "CA",
            "addressPostalCode": "915874",
            "addressCountry": {
                "name": "United States",
                "iso": "US"
id Description The id for the address
Type Integer
Example 2
useForProofOfAddress Description Boolean indicator to determine if the address is used for proof of address
Type Boolean
Example true
useForEmergencyAddress Description Boolean indicator to determine if the address is used for emergency services registration
Type Boolean
Example false
name Description The user supplied name for the address
Type String
Example LA Office
addressLine1 Description The first line of the address
Type String
Example 1001 New Street
addressLine2 Description The second line of the address
Type String
Example Silicon Road
addressCity Description The city of the address
Type String
Example Los Angeles
addressRegion Description The region of the address
Type String
Example LA
county Description An object describing the address country
Type Object
    "name": "United States",
    "iso": "US"

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