Create a new service

Create a new service to a site on a customer on your account.


Endpoint: /api/sipt/service
Example: /api/sipt/service
Method: POST
Headers: Accept: application/vnd.cloudlx.v1+json
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

Example Request:

        "site_id": 85,
        "ip_address": "",
        "sip_port": "8844",
        "number_quantity": "5",
        "channel_quantity": "5",
        "max_time": "60",
        "max_spend": "100",
        "delivery_date": "2018-11-01",
        "port_numbers": true,
        "porting_supplier": "BT",
        "porting_numbers": "07915648913,07913684522"

Request Values - Required

site_id Description The id of the site this service is being created for
Type Number
Example 85
ip_address Description The IP address for this service
Type String
sip_port Description The SIP port for this service
Type String
Example 8844
channel_quantity Description The quantity of channels required for this service
Type Number
Example 5
port_numbers Description A boolean value to determine if numbers require porting as part of this service
Type Boolean
Example true
porting_supplier Description The name of the company that the requested numbers require porting from. Only required if port_number is set to true
Type String
Example BT
porting_numbers Description The numbers that require porting. Only required if port_number is set to true
Type String
Example 07915648913,07913684522

Request Values - Optional

number_quantity Description The quantity of numbers required for this service
Type Number
Example 5
max_time Description The maximum time that a call can last, in hours
Type Number
Example 60
max_spend Description The maximum single call spend in the customers currency
Type Number
Example 100
delivery_date Description The date that the service is required to be delivered by, in the format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
Type String
Example 2018-11-01



        "success": true,
        "service_id": 5,
        "message": "The service was created successfully"